Chicken Shawarma 3 hours, 30 mins 5 lbs dairy free, Drunk Food, gluten free, Good Enough, Keto, Low Carb, Meal Prep, Medium Difficulty, No Carb, non vegetarian, paleo, Spicy, TLDR Make It Now
Slow Cooker Chickpea, Lentil and Pumpkin Curry 3 hours, 43 mins 8 cups dairy free, Easy Difficulty, Frugal, Low Carb, Meal Prep, Slow Cooker, Spicy, vegan, Vegetarian, Weeknight Dinner Make It Now
Chicken Fried Steak With Cheese Curds and Maple Candied Bacon 35 mins 3 servings Cheat Day, Medium Difficulty, non vegetarian, Poutine & Cheese Fries Make It Now
Macaroni Salad with a kick 28 mins 8 dairy free, Easy Difficulty, ovo vegetarian, Spicy, vegan, Vegetarian Make It Now
Hobo Chicken Chili with Corn Bread 1 hour 6 Beer Cooking, Easy Difficulty, Spicy, TV Dinners Make It Now
Spicy Pork chops with Citrusy Avocado Yogurt Sauce 45 mins 3 Easy Difficulty, gluten free, non vegetarian Make It Now
Slow Carb Chicken and Chorizo Gumbo 2 hours 6 dairy free, Medium Difficulty, non vegetarian, Spicy Make It Now
Chocolate Chipotle Ribs, Southern Fried Buttermilk Chicken and Collard Greens with Bacon 3 hours, 30 mins 6 Medium Difficulty, non vegetarian, Spicy Make It Now